Oberon's gone mad. We're talking full-on Hamlet. The fairy king of Midsummer has kidnapped William Shakespeare, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Shakespearean Heroes International Evil Lessening Division). and his mischievous sidekick Puck, has brought him the Infinity Quill. A quill unlike any other, for the Infinity Quill has the power to rewrite history itself and forge a new future at the will of its master.
Slightly anxious of the scenario that is unfolding, Shakespeare's greatest heroes (and Brutus), decide that they should do something to stop the oncoming apocalypse. Under instructions from Puck they head to Midsummers Forest. Shakespeare's Avengers have assemblethed.
Not technically an Assembleth Theatre production, Shakespeare’s Avengers Assembleth: Age of Oberon was the first production Cal & Plum created together, alongside Adam Toon, after graduating University. It premiered at Edinburgh Fringe 2015 and was followed by a 32 date national tour in 2016. It’s final showing was at Shakespeare’s Birthplace in 2018.
Shakespeare’s Avengers Assembleth: Age of Oberon
“Sound crazy? It is. It is also ridiculously funny, from the crossovers (Brutus and Lady Macbeth comparing bloody hands, Romeo and Ophelia commiserating together over the difficulties of their relationships) to the pop culture references...It won’t matter if you only know one Shakespeare play or all thirty seven; you will find something to amuse you in this original, well crafted, wonderfully silly script.””